Thursday, July 5, 2012

Who WANTS TO WIN?!?!?!

Now, for my grand readers out there.... I have something to give you!!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Craft! - Sharpie tie dye

How cool is this?!?

This is a great craft that my boys L-O-V-E-D doing! It's easy and a blast and something everyone can enjoy!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

FACEBOOK!!!! + Upcoming Contest!

Yes, Yes.  This awesome little blog is now on Facebook!

Let me know you are out there!  Like us on Facebook and leave a comment.

Once I see the growing support I will reveal what I have for you with a nifty little contest! 

So come on!  Love? Like! and Share!!

Last minute 4th Of July ideas!


Did anyone else forget that tomorrow is the 4th of July?!?!  Well, I did!  I have nothing planned...AT ALL!!  What is sad is the 4th is my all time favorite holiday! Sad, I know!

Well, I can fix this and hopefully help some of the that forgot also!  Here are some last minute ideas to save the day!

Things I will probably never confess to my kids...

I laid in bed last night thinking about all the, uhm, fibs I have told my 3 boys so I thought I would share with you all the things I will never confess to my kids.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Oh My! Insomnia you need to go!

Many nights this week I have been battling my little buddy, insomnia...

Grrrr, I am feeling it today!  All those sleepless nights have caught up to me!  Maybe I will try a few home cures to see if Ill be able to rest well.  If not, Im gonna be one C-R-A-B-B-Y momma!

Want to choose the sex of your next baby?

I can honestly say that while I was pregnant with my kids I heard all these stories about how moms to be did all kinds of things to sway what the sex of their child would be.  I myself never tried any of these, mainly because my boys were wanted surpises, but I have always thought that if I had the chance it would be fun to try this out and see if it works.  I mean, in the end, your worst odd are 50%-50% right? Now, thats not to bad!