About + Contact

Hello to all of you and I want to take a little time to thank you all for visiting my blog!  I know many people have busy lives so the fact you take the time to come here and read what I have to say means a lot to me!

A little about me

I am a stay at home mom in my late 20s.  I have 3 very wild and hyper little boys that are the center of my world! I tried for years to become a mom.  After many failed attempts I finally gave up in 2007 and that is when I found out that I was expecting!  Being told by my Dr that my chances were almost none and after having a surgery that I was sure brought that almost none to a none, I was going to be a mom! Talk about EXCITED!  My boys are my blessings and they will grow up knowing that.  I also enjoy many things like writing, drawing, crocheting, outdoors, spending time with my family, and so on. If it was not for my kids I'm very sure I would live an extremely boring life.  I am very laid back and just take life day by day.

My Big

My Big is what I call my oldest son.  He was born in Feb. of 2008 and changed my out look on life drastically!  He is VERY loving and has the biggest heart ever!  In 2011 he was diagnosed with epilepsy but it hasn't slowed him down one bit!  I love watching him grow up and am proud of the little man he is becoming.

My Middle

My Middle is my, of course, middle son.  6 months after having My Big I found out I was expecting again!  WOW, talk about being surprised! I was scared at first, I mean come on, the thought of having 2 under 2 is pretty scary!  But after he was born it felt right and I quickly fell into the role of mom of 2.  My Middle is my little charmer!  He knows just what to say and what looks to give to get his way.  I can tell already that I am going to have my hands full with him in the years to come!

My Little

My Little, you guessed it, is my youngest son.  3 months after My Middle was born I was surprised to find out that, yet again, I was expecting!  WOW, talk about doing ones part in populating the world!  Now, this time around I was scared to death! 3 kids 3 and under!!! Who does that!!! *Points to self*  But you know what?  I wouldn't change it for the world!  Now, My Little, is very sly!  He has watched his brothers and perfected their tactics!  He is, by far, way to smart for his own good!! I cant wait to see what the years have in store with this one!

Want to contact me?

E-mail: echo.rains@ymail.com

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