Monday, July 2, 2012

Oh My! Insomnia you need to go!

Many nights this week I have been battling my little buddy, insomnia...

Grrrr, I am feeling it today!  All those sleepless nights have caught up to me!  Maybe I will try a few home cures to see if Ill be able to rest well.  If not, Im gonna be one C-R-A-B-B-Y momma!

Well, being that Im just yacking away.  Here is a little info about my family.  Im a stay at home mom of 3 very wild and hyper little boys.  My oldest will be 5 in Feb. My middle will be 3 in Aug. My little one will be 2 on MY birthday in July.  These boys keep me on my toes!  Today all three decided that naps are not a good thing!  Mommy was really hoping they would nap so I could close my eyes for 45 mins but that never happened! But you know what that means?  OH YEAH! EARLY BEDTIME!!

*Does a little booty shaking dance*

Anyways, you will hear me refer to my kids here as my Big, Middle, and Little.  My Big is very loving and sweet.  But dont let that fool you!  He just knows how to not get caught!  My Middle is my charmer.  He knows all the looks to give and what to say to get his way.  I am going to have trouble with him when he gets older!  And my Little is a little man.  He has sat back and watched his older brothers and has learned from there mistakes, perfected and mastered their tactics, and is fearless.  So, as you can tell... I really do have my hands full with these three.  But I wouldnt change what I have for the world!  This is my life and I love every bit of it (though I randomly lose my mind from time to time. Hence the blog name).

Wish me luck tonight as I have a feeling I will need it!

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