Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Things I will probably never confess to my kids...

I laid in bed last night thinking about all the, uhm, fibs I have told my 3 boys so I thought I would share with you all the things I will never confess to my kids.

  1. McDonald's isn't really out of chicken nuggets.  Nor are they closed, their stoves are not broke, and they always have people there to make the food.
  2. The princess on the Disney movies can not be your girlfriend.  No matter how pretty she is she is only a cartoon.
  3. The ice cream isn't spoiled. I did not throw it out. I actually tucked it away in the freezer so I can eat it once you go to bed.
  4. The birds wont eat your weenier.  I just cant stand the fact your a little nudist and will strip down to your birthday suit anywhere and anytime.
  5. The cops will not take you to jail for not wearing your seat belt.  But they will give mommy a fat ticket!
  6. Every toy in the toy isle is not broken.  You are just not getting a toy every time we go to the store.
  7. Your face will not stay stuck in the silly face you make. 
  8. If you tell me the truth you still will get in trouble.  Just not as much trouble as you would if you lie.
  9. I do know where that loud and annoying toy is.  It is in the top of my closet.
  10. I do know the answer to your questions.  I just want you to go bug your dad about it instead of me.
  11. Your nose will not grow like Pinocchio when you lie.  Mommas is still the same size.

What are some of the "Little White Lies" you tell your kids?  Do you think we as parents do more harm then good when we tell these "fibs" to our kids?

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